类别:文学名著 作者:Anonymous 本章:PART 6

    C from top of a ain!

    [Cs doo t of ts. Ling, Yao, Mulan, and a soldier o t]

    C to She General.

    [Sakes t and o tabs it into t.  on top of the sword. Mulan approaches him from behind]

    Mulan [softly]: Im sorry.

    [Ss up, turns around and puts o ter of troops. akes one quick look of grief ts his horse]

    Ster time to ty tung S!

    [Mulan looks at takes out t turns around and joins t oftroops marching on]

    [Cut to Mulan standing next to Ko t  ss out of t and explodes in troops look surprised. Mulan glances back o t to see Muss at Cri-Kee. So Mulan on  behind]

    S happened?!

    Mulan [stumbling]: Uhhh--

    S gave aion. No t] Get out of range!!

    [troops art falling all around to art ting t taco K begins to blaze h fire]

    She cannons!

    [troops form a art taking t of t one by one s K. Ss K explodes sending Mulan flying off Kand s, scream and land near Mulan.

    Mushe horse.

    [Mulan grabs Mus  and runs to troops position. Cri-Kee and Ks set up cannons against rocks. t of arro fall around them]

    Shang: Fire!

    [t tain ioned. As the cannon fire explodes, Shan-Yus army hides]

    Shang: Fire!

    [Mulan, Ling and C tain ioned. No more arroain position]

    S cannon. [Yao poised to ligroops appear at top of tain] Prepareto figh honor.

    [Sain at Sion. he hun army follows]

    S Shan-Yu.

    [troops  t ion of a large sno o the side of a cliff. She rushes forward]

    Yao [being pushe cannon]: hey. Shang: Ping, come back. Ping!

    [Mulan co th worry in his eyes]

    Sarting to run after op!

    [Mulan plants t for the snow overhang]

    Muso tion]: All rig  to lig rig now. Quickly! Quickly!

    [Mulan takes out t and tries to ligtering t rock]

    Yao [speaking to Ling and Cta oion]

    [Mulan searc in tretco lig above the charging Shan-Yu]

    Musailing off as o]: You missed  infront of you!

    [tcroops begin to be she snow]

    Sing himself and focusing in on Mulan]: Yrrrrrrraah.

    [S Mulan ting  side. Mulan falls back grabbing  side. Sumbles. Mulan uses to bolt aarts to gallop aoward urning he avalanche]

    Yao, Coop. noticing turnaround and run back to whey came from] aaaaaaaaaa!

    [Kroops position and starts to run toion just ao Kurning Khe oncoming avalanche of snow]

    [Cut to Ling, Yao and Canding beo larger ser  as their posision]

    [Cut to Mushe snow on a shield]

    Mus]: Mulan! Mulan! [seeing icking up from the hair]

    hun Soldier: Arrrrr.

    Mus of the snow] Man, you are one luckybug.

    [Cut to Mulan riding Ko teet under by t riding the wave of snow]

    Mulan [calling loudly]: Surns around and rides to Sion. Surns Ko be riding upstream]

    [Cut to Canding on anding on top of Ling]


    Yao [extatically]: Yes! [Yao ss an arrotac! Noo safe--[Yao grasps at air as tely passed ty.

    [Cut to Mulan and So her on his shield]

    Muso Mulan, K.

    Mulan [speaking loudly]: e need  up and starts to tie to Khan]

    Musting off t by me. [Mus t to fallover tened] As it toward Yao]

    Yao [crying]: I let too Yao and eady near taughe cliff]

    Yao: Pull

    [Co ts to safety]

    Muso it. You da man. [Mulan looks pleased] ell sorta. [Mulan grimaces]

    [to the cliff]

    Ling: Step back guys, give em some air.

    Sc man Ive ever met. And for t I o.[Mulan smiles big]

    Ling: Lets  for Ping! t of us all.

    Yao [lifting ain!

    Chien-Po [jumping up and down]: Yes, yes, yes!

    Mulan [beginning to stand up]: Ac side]

    Ss o s arts to pass out. to fade as she loses consciousness] Ping, hold on. hold on.

    [Cut to outside of tent. Mulan and Medic are inside. Sands by trance. Yao, Ling and Ceconcerned. Ling drums  from tent and ent. Mulan is lying do of s up allo tofall to  revealing ting bandages on . Siceable]

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